'Growing together for the future'
Our Common Purpose & Ethos
'All children will reach their full academic & personal potential irrespective of gender, race, disability or background'
This ethos is brought to life by the whole school community focusing on the following beliefs;
We have 3 things we firmly believe in:
1. Learning should be enjoyable:
We think that children should be excited and want to learn.
It is our job to excite, stimulate and motivate them to want to find out more. Our curriculum is very practical with lots of opportunities to ask questions and explore. We link learning through Topics and build on skills and knowledge already learnt.
We want them to be independent active learners because then we create life long learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
2. High expectations
We want all our children to be successful and to reach their fullest potential. Children are successful at different things – we all have our strengths and areas for improvement. It is our job to, encourage children to work hard and try their best by, teaching them the skills and strategies that promote perseverance and resilience. Our aim is to ensure their self-esteem is high enough to have a go even when things are tough. We have high expectations for all our children, and all our children make excellent progress (academically and personally) from their starting points. We ensure high quality first teaching throughout our inclusive school.
3. Creating Citizens for the future
We believe that it is part of our role to nurture children to become good citizens. Children who will go out into the world taking responsibility for themselves, each other and their environment. We strongly encourage our children to take ownership of their behaviour and well-being. We teach children strategies to promote mindfulness and use methods that encourage collaboration and great behaviour for learning.
Core Values